Thursday, November 6, 2014

Are we Asses, or What?

Politics suck. Even more so when you’re on the losing end. Me? I hate to lose! Most people don’t know that about me, thinking I’m generally a nice guy, but boy, I not only hate to lose, I really hate to lose big time, and that’s exactly what happened November 4th.

I actually went into the election believing the polls were wrong. They were, but not to my Democratic advantage. The red wave was embarrassing and damaging to my entire belief system, and I’m still in shock. How could someone like Brownback in Kansas, or Ernst in Iowa be elected?

Yea, I don’t get it! Okay, maybe I do. It could be said Ernst was the stronger Candidate, character wise. She said some pretty outrageous things, had colorful ads, and she really didn’t make any serious mistakes, and she bashed Obama relentlessly.

Yep, that’s how she got elected, being colorful, not making mistakes, not having a strong opponent and hating the President. But that’s one race out of how many? How do you explain Brownback winning? A guy that ran his state into the financial ground, so much so, Republicans actually turned against him? Exit Polls suggest that people voted for him based on Brownback being white, male, conservative, Christian and because they felt the country was going in the wrong direction, even while their own Kansas economy was in disarray due to  white, male, Christian conservatives leadership.

Yea, I don’t get it!

I suppose I could blame Voter turnout, specifically Democrat turnout, as being low, and it was, but c’mon, so was Republican turnout. So, who actually bothered to vote? Everyone that hated Obama? Maybe? I don’t know!

I guess it’s a combination of colorful characters, political anomalies, and low voter turnout.
I guess the only thing messing from the above, is looking in the mirror, and asking what part the Democrats played in their loss, because that question is going to be asked by a lot of everyday, normal democrats, but probably not those politicians that need to be asking the question.

Bottom line is, you all let the reds have their way, you let Republicans define the entire election. There was no talk of issues, it was all about the President and his policies. You allowed that party to create an environment of fear, and even hate, long before Ebola. That was a mistake you paid for, and will pay for, because that hate has permeated the nation, setting the stage for a conflict you don’t even see coming.

From the moment Mitch McConnell declared his only job in his political life was to make Barack Obama a one term president, you should have been on the offensive. We should have been on the offensive!

We ran away and refused to have a seat at the public table, letting Republicans define every issue for the last six years. It was almost like, we went to bed after the ‘08 elections believing that just because we elected Obama, everything was going to be alright, our work was done, people had come to their senses. When Republicans started to gain traction, when the far right took control, we analyzed, mystified, mollified and did little else. And when we woke up concerned about the far right, we were too scared to do anything, and we ran, straight away from our beliefs.

And that’s why we lost last night.

Because the Democratic Party leaderships and politicians are nothing but cowards! They will reinforce that belief with the coronation of Hillary Clinton.

I won’t accept that.

Let me offer up another scenario.

Start with taking the ‘Financially responsible’ mantra back. The Republicans have been the most fiscally irresponsible party while in power for the last 50 years, and yet we allow them to claim otherwise. Second, start hitting them where it hurts, not their pocketbooks, their swarmy little claims that their ‘Patroits’. Let’s start callin ‘em what they are, what the far right really is, fascists! What moderate Republicans really are, corporate owned war hawks!

and finally,
Coronate a true Progressive.
That’s how we build the future, or we can die with the old!