Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Commodity of our Lives

Truth is a commodity in that everyone has a vested interest in having their wants, their desires, their needs not only filled, but exceedingly so. Not our wants, not our desires and not our needs. Truth after all, is a personal thing, relegated to align its very existence with no less than God. God and truth are twined and bound, inseparable in their existence. For many, they are the one and the same thing. One can defend any argument, any belief system simply by stating their position is God given or based in truth. Once that statement is made, there is no argument left, there is no room left for compromise.

Of course, we all know most truth is a lie. And excuse me, the sun doesn't really rise in the morning sky, it just appears to, but I know what your thinking, and I’ll give you that. There are indeed some ‘God given’ truths that endure. We live, we die is one. There is a moon in our sky and we understand the physics which keep it there. These truths are remarkable because we live them, we experience them every single day of our lives and most don't question their existence. The larger truth is that scientific fact and God given truths exist together. The fact that we understand Gods math in keeping our moon its distance from our planet is a beautiful thing. The fact that we are beginning to understand the dynamics of the Universe isn't a contradiction to God, it's a contribution to our love for God, no matter how you define God.

That beauty and that contribution diverge at the human level of individual perception where truth and god become non capitalized words to be used in personal agendas. Personal agendas to divide and conquer, to gain false esteem, and we all are guilty. Every religion, every individual is guilty of using their belief in god to further their belief system.

God did not make the world in seven days. God made the world in billions of years because God has given us evidence of his handiwork in ice cores, in tree rings and rock strata.
Now, you know I’m not even close to being a thumper and spouter of the good word. I do, however, have a great respect, not only for Christianity, but for all Religion. What does bother me is the fact  that there are people who twist, bend and crank out whatever truth they deem necessary to get their point across, and sometimes, it’s people of a religious nature. I mean, they lie to people to get people to believe them and it seems to work. This is where truth has become a commodity, born to serve the interests of specific desires, wants and needs.

Two things before I end this, Politicians are just as guilty of using truth as a commodity as anyone else, perhaps more so. The second thing is, I have read that human footprints dating back to the time of the dinosaurs have been found, and dated, and all I can do is go hmmmm...

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