Sunday, March 2, 2014

I am Right, There is Nothing Else!

I am tired. From a political viewpoint, I am tired of what we as Americans have become. More than that, I am ashamed that we have become an uneducated mass of Jello that holds no honor, gives no compassion nor cares what those on the opposite side of the aisle have to believe. The mantra everywhere is, ‘I am right, there is nothing else’. There is no honor, no fairness and not a smidgen of intelligent conversation about the problems we face here in this great Nation. Our politicians are setting an example that many are already following, and we all are the worse for it. The only truth there is, is the need, the ability to win, to gain power, to gain wealth, and those that do, don't have the wit to use it to benefit the Nation. Themselves, yes, the rest of us, not so much.
This reality really has gone on long enough, don’t you think? It seems, every time I turn around, the level of stupidity expands exponentially, to the point where if a visiting species happened across us, they'd place a great big yellow band of caution tape around the earth, warning others that there exists beyond the tape, a mental ward.
We should be ashamed that we allow this!
Yes, we have our differences. Yes, we can argue, we can disagree, and even, once in a while, engage in a knock down, drag out fight. But to stoop to the level that makes the notorious village idiot look like a genius? Really? WTF?
No matter what side of the political aisle you live and breath in, there are times when you need to speak out. To not do so, is disgusting and belittles you, especially if there's a voice crying out somewhere in your heart, demanding you to say something. Honor starts in the heart.
I do not believe this is who we are as a people, but I do have to wonder if this is who we are becoming, illiterates feeding at the troth of the insane.
The question I ask is simple, ‘Does human decency amount to less than political bullshit?” It appears so, that civil discourse no longer exists. The way to move the masses, you included, is to be outrageous, to get your attention with lies, slander, deceit and hurtful, malicious words. That says as much about you as the person slinging the mud.
But you don’t care do you? You enjoy it don’t you? Even at the expense of this great nation.
Sad state of affairs indeed. Thanks for helping to destroy  the greatest Nation ever seen in the history of all humanity. I’m sure your children have a lot to be proud of of.

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